Comply the rules of nature (God) is called religion. It has only one law is there, that each person born on this earth is free to carry his all works but due to his work neither there should be any loss of Conscious or insensible elements nor any objection to, This is the basic rule of religion, if any person violates it for that God has make a process that due to nefarious works (unlike the laws of nature) as a result human carry out the calamity disease and penalties. But due to ignorance he cannot understand why he is going through his own deeds. He always gives blame on God, luck or the other. While God never gives calamity or pleasure to anybody. To obtained calamity or pleasure only his deeds (work) are responsible, for reaction the aim of work is important, because for a single deeds many good or bad aims can be. If human disturb nature or wild life, then his destruction is sure. To each creature including human the God has given the right to live equally But today, by selfish people are being cheated to the right of the creatures, including humans, in coming future people can see its terrible consequences.
Every creature has born on this earth carry out two works first struggle to save his existence & second attempt to derive pleasure by removing calamity. Still Science does not know why man is born on this earth, what is the aim of her life & what is the unit of his life. Four goals of human life have been stated in religious books.
1. Religion 2. Economy 3 Work 4 Salvation (Moksha)
To achieve these four goals four "Vedas" are written, four stages of the "Gayatri Mantra" is the essence of the four Vedas. In 'kalyug' only purpose of human life is for making money (by unethical manner) is balance, now work is in inferior direction, the nature of religion has changed, and Salvation (Moksha) has ended.
There are many religions in the world but some things are common in these religions. All religions believes that God is abstract (volume less or shapeless), so in any religion no picture or statue of God is there. All religions acknowledge the existence of soul and tretes it as an unit of life. In all religions meditation is media to reach the God. There are several ways to make body fit for meditation, therefore according to different methods stated by each religion founders religions are separated from here. On the basis of religion teachers in the same religion become so many sects, but all religions have the same objective to reach the God. In religious books God is called abstract, (shapeless) disinterested, ubiquitous and almighty. Currently in the world few people are there who understands religion. Now religion is restricted to superstition, business and politics. To scientific concepts we can verify by physical means and can show to other peoples, to spiritual actions we can prove himself, but cannot show to others, because religion is a purely mental process, it does not matter (importance) physically and this cannot copied by others. To enter the field of spirituality it is necessary to learn how we can control our mind, without this nothing can be done in this field. Because religion is a purely mental process, it does not have physical importance. Physically only the value is of sacrifice (Yagy) which is for the environment purity. Main aim of religion is to gain real (actual) knowledge & receive salvation. By modern religion contractors by changing the true nature of religion as a means of achieving physical pleasure has made an instrument for business, politics and spreading communalism Due to this man entrapped in blind faith and greed and wastes his precious time and money. There is no connection of the religion with physical pleasure, superstition, miracles, etc. The religion is a high level science to spend pleasurable healthy & long life. This earth is the land of human action, here nobody can gets anything without work, some desire to gets something from God and luck is the foolishness.
To understand Religion and spirituality it is necessary to understand God.
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