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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Scientific basis of spirituality-1

Writer :-
Er.  R S Thakur

The scientific basis of spirituality

(The essence of Indian philosophy)

                        In the world the religion and science are assumed opposite to each other as two different subjects, when both are two sides of the same coin. World is of two types first visible world which can be seen from our eyes & other the invisible world which can not seen from our eyes. The visible world is also known as physical world, and the invisible world known as the mental world. To physical world all  peoples are alike and behave alike but invisible or mental world each person alike differently & behave differently. The science is the subject of visible world & religion is of invisible world, though due to reaction of the invisible word, visible world appears, so religion or spirituality is the main science. It is an effort to add the Spirituality and Science. In this article, there is neither violation of any science principle nor  violation of any religious principle. Without knowledge of science if anybody told that he is expert in spirituality then he is telling lie, because until anybody cannot understand the complete structure & mechanism of human body & universe,  he cannot understand the spirituality.  This article is based on physics, biology, psychology and relativity. Physics and biology are the subjects of visual worlds, psychology and relativity are the subject of the invisible world. Here depicts the relationships and mechanisms between above four subjects. It is based on education given by 'Vedmata Gayatri', own experience and spiritual knowledge. Here religion and spirituality is described in modern language with scientific description, Due to different name of same things in religious and scientific texts books people do not understand them. Now People have forgotten the true nature of religion. Religion superstition, is confined to blind faith, business and politics.  It is an attempt to revive the true nature of religion. In this article the scientific reality of gods, goddess ghosts evil-spirit, demonology-magic and other religious secrets has been described. If we want to know the true nature of religion then it is really important to understand the scientific reality of religion. Here depicts the microscopic structure and mechanism of the human body including god spirit, mind, vital force etc. By read it you can know everything about yourself, it's really important to understand spirituality and religion. Here the language of the science & Vedas, Puranas has not been used. Simple and able to understand for all modern colloquial language is used. Here only technical and theoretical principles are described for details authentic religious and scientific text books can study. 

                       The following topics  has been described here.

 1. Spirituality and Science
 2. Religion
 3. God
 4. Soul
 5. Mind
 6. Knowledge
 7. Life  (vital force)
 8. Relativism
 9. Goddess gods and ghosts evil-spirit etc.
10. Universe

Spirituality and Science

                               The famous scientist Einstein said that Science without religion is lame and religion without science is blind. The Einstein's relativity principle is still continue but statement above has no idea yet. Here is an attempts to authenticate the statement presented by them related to religion and science.
                              The spirituality Science is a basic science, and the modern science is it's impaired form. Spiritual science is the full knowledge while the modern science is incomplete knowledge. Through work or knowledge until someone cannot reach the God the knowledge will be incomplete & incomplete and deficient knowledge is always fatal, the result is in front of the world. The science studied that the atom is the minutest particle of matter, when spirituality studied that the atom is the ultimate physical particle of matter. Science moves towards infinity, and spirituality moves toward the end. Science assumes the matter is indestructible when according to spirituality matter is lost. Universal matter is in two forms, one is root (senseless) elements & second is the conscious elements, science studied the root element, & spirituality studied conscious elements. Due to reaction of the Conscious element the root element appears.                               
                                     Science states that our ancestor were monkey now we are making progress, statement of the spirituality is that our ancestor were the sage men with divine knowledge, now we are moving towards destruction due to foolishness. The birth of everything in the universe is always happens to death that the escalating destruction is the ultimate truth, Therefore, the statement of spirituality appears to be true. We went out to the infinite cannot come to an end if went out to the end can be reach to goal. 
                             The statement of Science is that man is a wise creature spirituality states that wisdom is in matter (soul) not in human The fluid (matter) produced to the man, not man to matter, man is  just a media to express this knowledge. No ultimate goal of science is set no result is determined. While the ultimate goal of spirituality is determined and set  result.The goal of spirituality is to reach the God and the result is salvation  (moksha). What is scientific base of salvation (Moksha), we learn ahead in this article. The result of aimless science may be destruction by fallen into a pit. Considering this fact, our enlightened forefathers chose the path of the end, so man walking on this path can get salvation by reaching the God & will be able to get liberation of the bondage of birth and death, and while walking on the endless paths were born in different species will always attempt to remove the calamity & try to achieve the pleasure. Modern education by encouraging materialism, capitalism & Man's moral collapse has lead him to the destruction. Whatever by the spiritual education man can learn the art of pleasure Living. Calamity & pleasure. are the man's psychological sense  it is not a physical object, if the calamity removed  the pleasure remains balance. Spirituality teach us the art to remove calamity from life so man can spend happy healthy and long life. While modern science  teach us the art to increase the calamity, so men victims the Stress and chronic diseases that are never curable. In Spirituality money is not necessity. While the materialism need the money first. This is the difference between spirituality and science.

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